Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Comings n Goings

The holy week done come n gone, which wasn't the only thing that showed up n disappeared. You could say that the cabin had a revolvin door as friends n family walked in, out, around, here, there n everywhere.

Cassie rolled on in on Wednesday with schoolmate Cheyenne, stuck around long enough to dye eggs before hoofing it out on Friday.

Caleb forsook the sacred cackleberry colorin tradition to battle bad guys on the eyebox with wires n buttons. His combat brother was Colton.

Katie showed up on Friday lookin for some lovin, got her fill n beelined it back to big school on Sunday. Course she stayed round long enough for Easter vittles.

Joinin us at Ma's table were Granda Fred n Grandma Nada...along with a fuzzy bunny.

The poor pup tried to keep up, but the comings n goings left him plumb tuckered out.

1 comment:

sixbehrs said...

Oh, this blog cracks me up so much!