A li'l peek into thu home of Ma 'n Pa Erickson & their fer Chilluns
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Erickson Family Photoshoot
We roped the chilluns and dragged 'em in front of the camera for what they call a "photo shoot." Course they was scared, fearin' them bullets comin' out of that short barreled thingamajig called a lens. All sorts of confessin' was comin' outta their mouths as they figgered repentance would get 'em outta trouble. We splained what was splained to us...that it was a picture takin' and the funny name had nothin' to do with a firin' squad for bad behavior. They was a doubtin' it all, so we pulled out the cash and paid 'em all to sit still n smile. It worked...silly littlins! Anyhoo, Pa n me weren't to sure...so we hired stand ins fer us, just in case. Besides, if it were truly a picture takin', we didn't want to break the Brownie. So we found these two models. They kinda matched up better with the offspring anyway. We paid 'em too. Turns out nobody got shot...sure as shootin'!
Special gratitudes to Renee Wheeler for shootin' up the family! Check out her website in case you wanna get shot up too! Her link is on the right side. If you like the pics, let us know and we will get you a copy or two...
Y'ALL COME ON OVER! We're not high-tech folks and may not figger this blog thing out. Don't hold you breath waitin' for regular updates and uploads. You might do good to come on over to our humble home and catch up in your person over coffee. Friends always welcome! The rest of you bumpkins can come too...just bring a pie!
OFFSPRING: So this is what you get when an Iowa girl and a Minnesota boy gets themselves hitched! My goodness but they is a good lookin' bunch! This site be dedicated to them.
BEGETTERS: Like twas said, the chilluns are the main attraction on this blog. We are just the sideshow. Ma is an occasional school marm. She rides herd on kids when the real teacher needs a rest. Pa is a country preacher. He pounds a pulpit, dedicates babies and throws parishoners in the lake.
Ya'll are so funny ;) Your blog sure is fun to read!!!
The pictures turned out great!
Yes, I do want a picture or two. Or I'll come at ya with a shotgun!
By the way, those stand-ins are pretty good looking.
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